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When this place became home…
When this place became home… Harbin, China Harbin, China- July 19, 2013 When, in one’s life does a new place become home? For me…it took...

Oh China, I will miss thee…
Oh China, I will miss thee… Harbin, China Harbin, China- July 9, 2013 This antique yet up-to-the-minute country has become like home to...

“Creativity is Intelligence having Fun” -Einstein
“Creativity is Intelligence having Fun” -Einstein Harbin, China Harbin, China- July 4, 2013 For the past 5 months or so, I have been...

Meet my Students…
Meet my Students… Harbin, China Harbin, China- June 22, 2013 The school year is coming to a close and soon so will the end of this...

Happy Children’s Day!
Happy Children’s Day! Harbin, China Harbin, China- June 1, 2013 June 1st ALREADY!!! I can’t believe I have been here almost 5 months and...

Welcome to May in Harbin!
Welcome to May in Harbin! Harbin, China Harbin, China- May 17, 2013 May is my favorite month, if you can’t tell! Happy Birthday to all...

A day at the park…
A day at the park… Harbin, China Harbin, China- April 19, 2013 Going to the park on a semi nice day outside there is always so much to...

Truly Me Time..
Truly Me Time.. Harbin, China Harbin, China- April 8, 2013 Its kind of crazy growing up in such a big family. You always have someone...

Food, Food & more Food :)
Food, Food & more Food 🙂 Harbin, China Harbin, China- April 3, 2013 Oh goodness! At the start of this trip I just knew I was going to...

Things we take for granted…
Things we take for granted… Harbin, China Harbin, China- March 23, 2013 In the U.S , especially in New York, we take so much for granted....

A quick Grand Tour of my hood…
A quick Grand Tour of my hood… Harbin, China Harbin, China- March 21, 2013 Everyday I’m woken up by this man or woman who rides his bike...

The Chinglish Language!
The Chinglish Language! Harbin, China Harbin, China-March 15, 2013 Today at school I decided to tape some tidbits of my kids! I didn’t...

These things only happen to me! (before 9:00a)
These things only happen to me! (before 9:00a) Harbin, China Harbin, China- March 15, 2013 Well, Of course! The one day that my...

Harbin- The Place of Extremes
Harbin- The Place of Extremes Harbin, China Harbin, China- March 12, 2013 In one day here in Harbin, I felt a 30 degree temperature...

1st FULL week of Teaching COMPLETE!
1st FULL week of Teaching COMPLETE! Harbin, China Harbin, China Oh Goodness! If you think teaching little 4 year old students is...

How does 17 degrees feel like SUMMER!?
How does 17 degrees feel like SUMMER!? Harbin, China Harbin, China-March 3, 2013 It’s “Spring time” now in Harbin and everyone keeps...

5 Days NO internet!
5 Days NO internet! Harbin, China Harbin, China- March 2, 2013 Its been 5 WHOLE DAYS without internet connection! ….It’s like a 3 day...

Home Sicknesses
Home Sicknesses Harbin, China Harbin, China- February 25, 2013 #harbin #homesickness #China #Medinah #homesick #Travel

Fire Crackers Everywhere!!!
Fire Crackers Everywhere!!! Harbin, China Harbin, China- February 24, 2013 #harbin #China #cold #solotraveler #ice #Medinah #Travel...

The Journey to the Coldest Place I’ve ever been
The Journey to the Coldest Place I’ve ever been Harbin, China Harbin, China- February 23, 2013 Leaving Shanghai this afternoon, the last...
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