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Senior Year Realizations: PEOPLE SKILLS
There are always those people everyone is naturally drawn too, easily to get along with, easy to talk. But then there are others that...
Senior Year Shenanigans
September 2014 So its been a while since my last post but there’s been SO much going on ! My friend Erin re-inspired me to continue…”for...
Meet My Team: Buffalo Edition
My time in Buffalo is officially over, this time tomorrow I’ll be in Reno. But meet my team whose been with me the wholee summer. So it...
Universal Family
August 2014 This summer has been one of love and learning. Everywhere I went, I had some family waiting for me, helping me and just...
A Million & One things closer than the grocery store
A Million & One things closer than the Grocery Store… (Actually 25 things closer than the grocery store, but you know,) “Its not that...
Not So Glamorous Buffalo Days
August 2014 So when I’m not outside wandering around, jet-setting taking cool pictures and eating as much good food as I possibly can...
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